Epilepsy is a disease that is not known very well by the society. It causes partial social isolation and is hidden by the patients because of stigmatization.
Seizures themselves and consumed medicine side effects results in difficulties of education, getting ready for work life, improving abilities and work experience. The negative attitude of the society against epilepsy causes epilepsy patients to face significant difficulties in getting jobs. Working is very important for epilepsy patients not only in the aspect of earning their life but also has positive effect on personal and social interactions and also happiness and quality of life.
This reality has been recognised in employment and labour law both in the world and in our country and led to establishment of new concepts in participation of disabled people to work.
In this paper employment possibilities of disabled epilepsy patients that have 40% or more work power loss because of seizures are rewieved in the light of current developements and changes of employment and labour law.