Case Report

Status Epilepticus Development After Organophosphate Intoxication/ Midazolam: Case Report


  • Şule ARICAN
  • Faruk ÇİCEKCİ
  • Meltem KARACAN

Received Date: 02.10.2018 Accepted Date: 02.05.2019 Arch Epilepsy 2020;26(1):40-44

Onset time and severity of symptoms that develop as a result of acute organophosphate intoxication may vary according to the specific compounds and amount ingested and metabolism rate of the substance. Possible signs are compression of the central nervous system, agitation, confusion, delirium, convulsion, and coma. These conditions are relevant to the mortality and morbidity of organophosphate. In this review, we present a patient who developed status epilepticus after acute organophosphate intake. The 32-year-old male patient was completely healthy before taking the organophosphate substance to attempt suicide. During the mechanical ventilator support in the intensive care unit, tonic convulsions started. The patient was not responsive to the diazepam treatment, and the electroencephalography findings showed generalized tonic-clonic convulsions. The seizures were controlled by starting a 0.1 mg/kg midazolam IV. After confirming that the neurological examination and electromyography results of the patient were normal, the patient was discharged in healthy condition on the 12th day.

Keywords: Organophosphate, poisoning, status epilepticus