Case Report

First Symptomatic Seizure and Status Epilepticus due to Acute Electrolyte Imbalance


  • Emine Rabia Koç
  • Alevtina Ersoy
  • Atilla İlhan

Received Date: Accepted Date: 04.04.2011 Arch Epilepsy 2011;17(1):14-16

In recent years, putting the correct diagnosis in a short time becomes easier due to advances in medical science. This is primarily important for emergency services. Sometimes it has been need to make many examinations to the person in a day for the correct diagnosis and treatment. This processes may lead to unwanted situations for the patient. In this paper, it was presented a patient who has developed electrolyte imbalance as a result of the excessive intake of water for imaging techniques because of abdominal pain and who had the first seizure as status epilepticus.

Keywords: Abdomen tomography, electrolyte imbalance, status epilepticus, ultrasonography